"We need to be bold about our conservative values. We cannot allow progressive agendas to continue to erode the principles this nation was founded on. I will champion policies that limit federal government overreach, inspire good paying jobs, and protect our God-given right to life, liberty, & freedom."
- Mark Tedford

Proudly Endorsed By
Oklahoma Congressman, District 1

Republican State Representative, HD 69
“I'm proud to endorse Mark Tedford, a stellar conservative businessman who has stepped up to run for House District 69. Mark continues to be invaluable to our community as a business leader and also serves in numerous volunteer organizations helping Jenks and South Tulsa prosper. I believe Mark is the best choice for conservatives to rally behind.”
Republican State Senator, SD 37
“We must have more business-minded leaders who want to lead and make a real difference.
I’m excited to endorse Mark Tedford in his run for State Representative 69. Mark does a lot for the community; he’s a big supporter of our schools, local organizations, and he’s always thinking how to make things better. Please join me in supporting him for this Republican primary.”
My parents taught me conservative values from an early age. Dad taught me the value of hard work and mom instilled a heart of service within me. Now, I’m in a spot where I can dedicate more time to serving in this capacity if the voters of District 69 choose to vote for me. America is in trying times right now and I believe my background of engaging with tens of thousands of people throughout my lifetime and knowing how to lead through previously trying times, gives me the readiness to lead beginning on day one. I'm not a politician – I’m a problem solver & conservative businessman ready to protect our values."
-Mark Tedford, Conservative for State Representative